Archive for the ‘WDI Events’ Category

Proposed shows and dates for the 2013-2014 season

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

Our proposed 2013-2014 season is as follows: 

Summer Fundraiser (TBA). Performances: August 9-11

Lend Me A Tenor by Ken Ludwig. Performances:  September 13 – October 6. Auditions: July 28-29

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoast by Webber/Rice. Performances: November 8 – December 8. Auditions: September 15-16

Winter Fundraiser (TBA). Performances: December 12-15

And Then There Were None (aka Ten Little Indians) by Agatha Christie. Performances: January 24 – February 16, 2014. Auditions: November 10-11

Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling. Performances: March 21 – April 13, 2014. Auditions:  January 26-27

The Music Man by Meredith Wilson. Performances: May 23 – June 15, 2014. Auditions:  March 23-24

Director applications for all shows are due February 28, 2013. Application at

Proposed Bylaws Changes

Friday, December 21st, 2012

In our on-going attempts to make WDI a better, more future-proof organization, your friendly neighborhood WDI board would like to propose some changes to how board members are elected, how long our terms are, and how many terms we can serve consecutively. These changes require a vote by the membership. The two PDF files that follow are a summary of the changes, and a copy of the full bylaws with the changes marked.

Bylaws – Summary of Changes

WDI Bylaws with Changes

Here is an example of the effect these proposed changes would have on the  2013 and 2014 elections:

Bylaws examples

Production Photos from “It’s A Wonderful Life” – Radio Show

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Photos by Ken Beach.

DancEncounter Dancers from “It’s A Wonderful Life” – Radio Show

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Photos by Ken Beach. Please click on the photos (twice – once at each screen) to view larger size.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Our next general membership meeting is November 20 at 7:30pm.

The entertainment is: “LOVE: A Mental Disease”. A showcase of scenes and monologues that illustrate all the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of love. Conceived by Anthony Berg and Jeni Dees. Directed by Anthony Berg. Featuring Jeni Dees, Kristen Morris and Dave Amato. Pieces range from comedic to dramatic, classic Shakespeare to modern contemporary, and focus on ALL kinds of relationships/couples.

(Note: Includes content for mature audiences.)

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