Archive for the ‘WDI Events’ Category

Cast List for “Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure”

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Wheaton Drama, Inc (WDI) has cast the Steven Dietz adaptation of Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure.

The cast is: Edward Barnett as Norton/Larrabee; Roy Birch as Sid Prince; Pat Daly as Policeman/Clergyman; Deven Ferber as Sherlock Holmes; Amy Johnson as Post Boy/Swiss Boy; Harold LeBoyer as Dr. Watson; Larry Mayo as Professor Moriarty; Karen Neidlinger as Madge Larrabee; Tom Viskocil as King of Bohemia; Sharon Voss as Irene Adler.

Annie Walker-Bright is directing, assisted by Dee Hicks. The production manager is Steve Blount. Amy Johnson is the stage manager.

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure is set in Victorian England in a tidy flat at 221B Baker Street, and other locations. You don’t have to be a scholar of detective stories to enjoy the script Steven Dietz has crafted—there is enough intrigue and adventure, even a touch of romance with the inclusion of Holmes’ intellectual equal, Irene Adler.

Performances are January 25, 2013 through February 17, 2013. Shows are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm. Tickets are $13 for Thursdays; $16 for Fridays-Sundays. Dramatists Play Service licenses Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure.

Other shows in Wheaton Drama’s season are: The Sound of Music (November 9–December 9); The Good Life Café (November 10 only); It’s A Wonderful Life (radio show December 14-16); Full Circle (March 15-April 7, 2013 – confirmation of rights pending); and Into the Woods (May 17-June 9, 2013).

Show tickets available at this website, or call 630-260-1820. Follow on Twitter at WDIpublicity.

Free Preview of “The Sound of Music”

Friday, October 12th, 2012

Join us at 7:30pm on October 16, 2012 for a free preview of The Sound of Music. The preview will kick off the October general membership meeting. All are welcome to attend.

“The Good Life Café” Video Clip

Friday, October 12th, 2012

On November 10 at 3pm at Playhouse 111, Jenna Eisenberg is presenting her one-woman show, The Good Life Café. Those wishing to view a video clip of the show are invited to visit Tickets for the November 10 performance are $10. Purchase right here on this Wheaton Drama website, or call 630-260-1820!

Auditions for “Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure”

Thursday, September 20th, 2012


Director: Annie Walker-Bright at

Production Manager: Steve Blount at


Tickets: or call 630-260-1820

Wheaton Drama To Hold Auditions For Sherlock Holmes

The game is afoot, Watson—and it is a dangerous one!”

Wheaton Drama Inc. announces auditions for the Steven Dietz’ adaptation of Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure.

Annie Walker-Bright is directing, assisted by Dee Hicks. The production manager is Steve Blount. Amy Johnson is the stage manager.

Auditions will be Sunday, October 21, 2012, and Monday, October 22, 2012 at 7pm at Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale in downtown Wheaton. Callbacks (if necessary) will be Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 7:30pm. Those auditioning are requested to prepare a 1-2 minute dramatic monologue (either from the play or not) and be prepared for monologues and cold reading from the script.

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure is set in Victorian England in a tidy flat at 221B Baker Street, and other locations. You don’t have to be a scholar of detective stories to enjoy the script Steven Dietz has crafted—there is enough intrigue and adventure, even a touch of romance with the inclusion of Holmes’ intellectual equal, Irene Adler.  

The director will be casting 6 men and 2 women for the following roles:

Sherlock Holmes Acerbic, intellectual, analytical. 
Dr. Watson Solid, plodding, dependable. Serves as narrator.
Professor Moriarty Malevolent arch villain. Evil personified.
The King ofBohemia Heavy set, regal, not especially bright.
Irene Adler Renowned opera diva (singing is not required for the role). Fiery, passionate, an intellectual match for Holmes.
James Larrabee Moriarty’s henchman. 
Madge Larrabee Moriarty’s henchwoman. Frequently in disguise.
Sid Prince Moriarty’s hit man. Thuggish and uncouth.

Performances are January 25, 2013 through February 17, 2013. Shows are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm. Tickets are $13 for Thursdays; $16 for Fridays-Sundays. Dramatists Play Service licenses Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure.

Other shows in Wheaton Drama’s season are The Heiress (through September 30), The Sound of Music (November 9–December 9), It’s A Wonderful Life (radio show December 14-16), Full Circle (March 15-April 7, 2013 – confirmation of rights pending), and Into the Woods (May 17-June 9, 2013).

For show tickets and information, please visit, or call 630-260-1820.


The reason the auditions are scheduled earlier than usual is because I need to work with all the actors on English accents. Normally I do not put a huge emphasis on accents, but I think you will understand that it is the heart and soul of this play. It is written with English accents and attitude in mind and therein lies the humour.

It is my intention to work with actors one on one, line by line, word by word, in a group, whatever, to maximize the use of the English accent and intonations. You will become so familiar with the English accent that by the time we reach the rehearsal stage, it will be second nature. We can then concentrate on putting together a superb, funny, clever show full of intense technical and lighting effects.

My vision of Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson and all other characters is very broad. It will simply boil down to the best combinations. Having said that, I will not limit any of the characters to age, height, hair colour or otherwise; it all depends on chemistry and the freedom to take a risk on, I hope, a very innovative approach to staging Sherlock Holmes. 

I look forward to seeing you all at auditions.

 – Annie Walker-Bright (630-665-5133;




“The Sound of Music” Children Cast

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Wheaton Drama has cast the children’s roles in The Sound of Music.

103 children auditioned. 51 attended callbacks, with 16 cast. The following “Teams” will each perform in 9 of the 18 shows:

Luke Stephens as Rolf
Emily Whaley as Liesl
Michael Lewis as Friedrich
Madysen Simanonis as Louisa
Fletcher Peterson as Kurt
Tessa Newman as Brigetta
Diana McGrath as Marta
Faith McGrath as Gretl

Mitchell Kinn as Rolf
Teagan Earley as Liesl
Daniel Flage as Friedrich
Anna Chase Lanier as Louisa
Brock Royle as Kurt
Tyler Berger as Brigetta
Alexandra Burkhardt as Marta
Gwen Royle as Gretl

Director Jim Liesz says, “These are wonderfully talented kids. Now let’s bring on the adults! Auditions for adults are Sunday, September 16 at 7pm and Monday, September 17 at 7pm. Please remember our ‘Visiting’ Nun’s Chorus and that we have 3 male non singing roles and 1 female non singing role that also must be cast.” Details at the SOM show page on this website!

The Sound of Music is performed November 9 through December 9 at Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale Street in downtown Wheaton. The Heiress is on stage through September 30.

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