Casting for “The Elephant Man”

November 8th, 2016
Director Sean Ogren and Assistant Director Suzanne Ogren are pleased to announce the cast for “The Elephant Man” at Wheaton Drama. We appreciate all those who came to audition.
The cast:
Peter Lemongelli as Treves
Christopher Williams as Merrick
Lisa Dawn Curran as Kendal
Lars Timpa as Gomm
Ric Holloman as Ross/Porter
Dave Amato as Bishop/Pinhead Manager/ Belgian Policeman / Conductor
Michael Albrow as Lord John/ Belgium Policeman/ London Policeman/ Snort / Voice
Erin Dameron as Pinhead 1/ Duchess/ nurse
Mary Kuhn as Pinhead 2/Countess/ Sandwich/ nurse
Jennifer Barber as Pinhead 3/ Princess/ nurse

Cast announced for “A Christmas Carol”

November 8th, 2016

Director Pam Turlow is thrilled to announce the following cast for this year’s holiday show; “A Christmas Carol”:

Charles Dickens — Rob Reinalda

Ebenezer Scrooge — Lars Timpa

Bob Cratchit — Jay Pauer

Caroler/Child at Alms House/Goose Boy — Christina Pettinger

Nephew Fred — Tony Kortas

Mr. Bentley/Belle’s Husband/Old Joe — Josh Brown

Mr. Charlton/Fezziwig/Topper — Stan Austin

Jacob Marley — James Turano

Ghost of Christmas Past — Leah Rae Witt

Fan/Belinda Cracthit — Ella Gosain

Boy Ebenezer/Peter Cratchit — Chris Picchione

Belle/Bess — Riya Aarini

Ghost of Christmas Present/Young Ebenezer — Matt Johnson

Mrs. Cratchit — Krystyn Wells

Martha Cratchit — Riley Sebby

Tiny Tim — Cooper Gosain

Charwoman/Nancy — Patti Kaden

Laundress/Wretched Woman — Lisa Wallace

Production Staff:

Director — Pam Turlow; Producer — Rebecca Poole; Assistant Director/Sound Design — Ben Dooley; Lighting — Jim Van DeVelde; Stage Manager — Michelle Ho; Props — Amy Johnson; Dickens’ costume — Susan Hajny

“A Christmas Carol” will be done in a readers theater style and will run Thursday; Dec. 15 through Sunday; Dec. 18. Performances will be Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m.; and Sunday at 3 p.m. All seats are $15.

Please order tickets here.

Late-Fall Student Acting Workshops

October 11th, 2016

Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade Classes — A Fun Experience for All!

Young performers will learn basic onstage and acting techniques while they develop their imagination and creativity. All children will have a blast as they explore acting through a series of theater and improvisational games. This ensemble-building class will foster each student’s self-esteem and help him/her become an independent thinker both on and off the stage.

Six-week sessions will be offered at Wheaton Drama.

Late-Fall 2016 Session: Nov. 1 through Dec. 6
(Make-up date: Dec. 13)

All sessions will be Tuesday afternoons at these times:

$100 per session per child

Note: Classes are subject to change based on enrollment.

Please contact Elyse Wadzinski for more information at or
call 630.260.1820 and leave a message about registration.

Auditions for ‘The Elephant Man’

October 5th, 2016

Wheaton Drama announces auditions for The Elephant Man.

The Elephant Man is an ensemble piece featuring five main characters and a large number of supporting roles. The supporting roles in this production will rely on two or three actors able to play multiple characters.

Dialects will be required for all roles.

For any man trying out for the role of John Merrick, please note that you must be in healthy shape.
The actor must place his body under physical strain and contortion each night—for which a massage therapist will be provided during the run of the show—and must therefore ensure that he is able to do so.

There will be one night of general auditions (Nov. 6) with a second night for callbacks (Tuesday, Nov. 8) if necessary.

Performances will run from Jan. 20 through Feb. 12, 2017, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

To audition, please contact director Sean Ogren in advance for the sides (

After receiving sides, all auditioners should arrive prepared at Wheaton Drama by 7 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6. Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111 is at 111 N. Hale St., Wheaton, IL, 60187.


JOHN MERRICK, the Elephant Man, age 20-40

FREDERICK TREVES, a surgeon and teacher, 30s

CARR GOMM, administrator of the London Hospital

MRS. KENDAL, an actress

ROSS, manager of the Elephant Man




MAN, at a fairground in Brussels

CONDUCTOR, of Ostend-London boat train


PORTER, at the London Hospital

SNORK, also a porter






PINHEADS, three female freaks with pointed heads

Auditions for ‘A Christmas Carol’

October 3rd, 2016

Wheaton Drama is proud to announce auditions for its Holiday Radio Play, “A Christmas Carol,” which will be performed in a readers’ theater style. Director Pam Turlow is looking for strong, versatile actors of all ages and ethnicities who are capable of authentic British dialects.

Auditions are Saturday, Nov. 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 6, from 7-10 p.m at Playhouse 111, located at 111 N. Hale St., Wheaton, IL 60187.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. No callbacks are scheduled.

The following roles are available and may be double or triple cast, depending on turnout:


Charles Dickens  (30s to late 50s): Our narrator. Should be a superb storyteller with a sense of drama, able to bring the classic images in the story to life. Standard British dialect.

Ebenezer Scrooge (40s to 70s): Our anti-hero curmudgeon. Looking for a strong actor who can believably take us along on his journey, to his epiphany. Standard British dialect.

Bob Cratchit (30s to 50s): A kind soul, a charming gentleman, much put upon, but whose soul shines bright. Standard British, London, or Cockney dialect.

Nephew Fred (20s to 30s): A true believer in the Spirit of Christmas. Positive and cheery, even in the face of Scrooge’s rebuffs. Standard British or London dialect.

Mr. Bentley (30s to 50s): A business man who is doing charity collection work. Standard British or London dialect.

Mr. Charlton (30s to 50s): See Mr. Bentley.

Jacob Marley (40s to 70s): The Spirit of Regret, incarnate (or semi-incarnate). Woeful, wise, inclined to fits of melancholy. Oh, and terrifying. Standard British dialect.

Fezziwig (40s to 70s): Dimpled, humorous, festive, and a wee bit tipsy. Standard, London, or Cockney dialect.

Young Ebenezer (late teens to 20s): Hopeful and in love, but torn by the lure of monetary wealth. Standard British dialect.

Belle’s Husband (30s to 40s): A good husband, kind to his family. Standard British dialect.

Ghost of Christmas Present (30s to 50s): The Spirit of the God Bacchus! Robust, a booming voice, and larger than life. Standard British or London dialect.

Topper  (20s to 30s): A tipsy, boisterous friend of Fred.

Old Joe (40s to 70s): A lower-class London buyer and purveyor of rags. Maybe drunk, maybe toothless. Cockney or London dialect.


Belle (late teens to 20s): Wise beyond her years. Heartbroken over the love she knows she can never have. Standard British dialect.

Mrs. Cratchit (30s to 50s): Much like her husband in temperament, but she probably wears the pants in the family. Standard British, London or Cockney dialect.

Bess (20s to 30s): A smart, savvy young woman, devoted to Fred.

Nancy (20s to 40s): A giggly, not-so-bright friend of Bess.

Wretched Woman (40s to 70s): A poor, sickly woman in the Alms House.

Charwoman (20s to 70s): A lower-class London cleaning woman. Probably possessing same dental affliction as Old Joe. Crass and blowsy. Cockney or London dialect.

Laundress (20s to 70s): Hangs with the same crowd as the Charwoman and Old Joe. Probably needs a bath. Cockney or London dialect.


Ghost of Christmas Past (Age, gender open): Ageless, ethereal, wise. Standard British dialect.

CHILDREN (all children should attempt a Standard or London dialect):

Boy Ebenezer (10 to 12): A sad, lonely lad.

Fan (8 to 10): Boy Ebenezer’s sister. Full of joy and promise.

Martha Cratchit (teens): The eldest Cratchit girl. Capable, smart, and loving.

Peter Cratchit (teens): The eldest Cratchit boy. Gentle and bright.

Belinda Cratchit (8 to teens): The youngest Cratchit girl. Hopeful and energetic.

Tiny Tim (7 to 10): A wise soul inside a small, sickly body. The child who is cast must be able to convey his unerring hopefulness. A boy is preferred, but the role is open to girls as well.

Boy at Alms House (12 to teens): A sweet soul who only wishes to help those less fortunate.

Goose Boy (8 to teens): A bundle of energy, eager to earn some tuppence on Christmas morning.

Caroler (boy or girl, 8 to teens): A lower-class child who’s caroling in hopes of earning money for his/her family.

“A Christmas Carol” will be performed Dec. 15-18, Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m. A read-through will be held Nov. 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mary Lubko Center (formerly Leisure Center), 208 W. Union Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187, and rehearsals are Monday through Wednesday evenings, Dec. 12-14, at Playhouse 111.

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