Student Acting Workshops at Wheaton Drama

August 15th, 2016
Kindergarten Through Eighth-Grade Classes

A fun experience for all!

Young performers will learn basic onstage and acting techniques while they develop their imagination and creativity. All children will have a blast as they explore acting through a series of theater and improvisational games.

This ensemble-building class will foster each student’s self-esteem and help him/her become an independent thinker both on and off the stage. This year our fall class will be a steppingstone to a more in-depth winter class and a final production at the end of the winter session.

Six-week sessions will be offered this fall at Wheaton Drama.

Fall 2016 session: Sept. 13 – Oct. 18  (Note: Classes are subject to change based on enrollment.)

All sessions will be on Tuesday afternoons at these times:
Grades K – 4: From 4 p.m. until 4:55 p.m.
Grades 5 – 8: From 5 p.m. until 5:55 p.m.

Cost: $100 per session per child (You can sign up here.)

This fall’s class will be taught by Mackenzie Grattan. Mackenzie is a veteran teacher of the Wheaton Drama Summer Workshop for the past several summers. We are excited to welcome Mackenzie to this new venture at WDI.

Contact Elyse Wadzinski for more information at or call 630.260.1820 and leave a message about registration.


Shrek Dance Workshops

August 8th, 2016

Hey, all you prospective ogres, donkeys, princes, princesses, lords, ladies, and fairy tale folk! 

Prior to auditions for Shrek, the Musical, we are offering two dance workshops:  

Sunday, August 21, 2-3:30pm and Monday, August 22, 7-8:30pm, both on the stage at WDI.

These are entirely optional and voluntary; casting decisions will be made based on the actual auditions, not the workshops. And…if you want to come just to dance and not to prepare for auditions, you’re welcome to do that, too!

The workshops will follow the format of a contemporary dance class, with warm-up, across-the-floor work, combinations, and cool-down. Monday’s workshop will be a rerun of Sunday’s. You are welcome to attend both, but you won’t miss something by attending only one. The audition combination(s) will be taught both days.

Come dressed to move, and be ready to get your Freak Flag on!

Auditions for Shrek, the Musical

August 8th, 2016

Youth auditions (ages 10-16): Saturday, August 27 – 1:00pm and 2:00pm

Adult auditions (ages 17+): Sunday/Monday, August 28/29 – 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00pm

Callbacks as necessary: Tuesday, August 30 – 7:00pm

Auditions are by appointment only, but we will accept walk-ins if space is available

Performance Dates: November 18 – December 11, 2016

Shrek The Musical is a PG-rated fairy tale for the entire family about the value of being yourself and accepting others for being themselves. It tells the story of a swamp-dwelling ogre who goes on a life-changing adventure to reclaim the deed to his land. Joined by a wise-cracking donkey, this unlikely hero fights a fearsome dragon, rescues a feisty princess and learns that real friendship and true love aren’t only found in fairy tales. All ages and ethnicities are encouraged to audition. Director Mike Boyna is looking for a varied, flexible, energetic cast of 18-24 people to play roughly 50 roles. Exact ages are less important than how you read, dance, sing, follow instructions, and bring your best to the process.

1-hour time slots will include:

Music: (Music Director Amy Brockman). Prepare 16 bars of an up-tempo song highlighting your range and personality. Bring your own sheet music; accompanist will be provided. No a cappella singing. Please – no songs from the show at the initial auditions. You may be asked to learn/sing a show song as part of callbacks.

Dance: (Choreographer Katy Smith) Wear comfortable clothes for dance, and be prepared to learn two short combinations in different styles. Also, two pre-audition dance workshops will be offered: Sunday/Monday, August 21, 22; times/locations TBD. These are entirely voluntary opportunities; if you don’t participate, it won’t affect your chances of being cast. Workshops will follow the format of a full dance class, with warm-up, combination and across-the-floor work, and cool down. Combinations learned will include the audition selection.

Readings: (Director Mike Boyna / A.D. Christine Pfenninger). Cold readings from the script. Aside from the 4 main characters there is a wide variety of character roles, so although you may not be asked to read for a specific role, it doesn’t mean you can’t be cast in that role(s). We will be looking mainly for energy, versatility and fearlessness from performers in the group reading section.

There are also various puppets in the production that will be operated by cast members

Email two choices of audition day/time to You will receive a confirmation with your audition date/time and exact location, along with an audition form. On your audition form, please list any special skills: tumbling, juggling, burping the alphabet, etc. Since these are all fairy tale characters, be prepared to demonstrate any special character voices in your toolbox (high, low, various accents, etc.).

Single character roles:

Shrek (Male, 25-45, Tenor/Baritone) the ogre: big, green, and scary…but only when he thinks being scary is fun.

Donkey (Male, 20-40, Tenor) the sidekick; requires a vocally and comically gifted actor

Fiona (Female, 25-35, Soprano) the princess; smart, sassy, strong. Tap dancing involved.

Lord Farquaad (Male, 25-45, Baritone), the villain. This character plays the entire show on his knees – in a special costume. A physically demanding role.


All other actors play multiple roles, including these fairy tale characters.

Age-specific roles:

Young Shrek (M, 8-10)

Mama and Papa Ogre (20s-40s)

King Harold and Queen Lillian, (20s-40s)

Young Fiona (F, 8-10, soprano)

Teen Fiona (F, 14-18, soprano)

Dragon (Female, 25-45, Soulful Alto) There are 2 additional female roles that sing as part of the dragon

Pinocchio (Male/Female, 15-25, Soprano/Mezzo, Alto/Tenor, Treble/Boy Soprano)

Big Bad Wolf (Male, 30s-50s)

Characters that can be any age:

Female roles

Sugar Plum Fairy / Gingy (Sugar Plum Fairy will operate and provide voice for Gingy puppet), Fairy Godmother, Wicked Witch, three blind mice (these three sing as a trio), Mama Bear

Male roles

Papa Bear, Captain, Old Knights (3-4), Pied Piper, bishop.

Male or female roles:

White Rabbit, Three Little Pigs (German accents), Peter Pan, Ugly Duckling, Baby Bear, Mad Hatter, Humpty Dumpty, guards (4-6), dancing rats (4-8)

Cast Announced: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY GREATEST HITS: VOL.1Set to Open Wheaton Drama’s 2016-2017 Season

July 30th, 2016

Wheaton Drama is proud to announce the following cast members and staff as a part of its 2016-2017 season opener, FORBIDDEN BROADWAY GREATEST HITS: VOL 1., created and written by Gerard Alessandrini. We had a lot of amazing, talented people come and audition and there were many tough decisions. We want to thank everyone for came out for auditions and look forward to working with this incredible cast.

Without further ado, the cast of FORBIDDEN BROADWAY includes:

Anthony Berg (Addison), Erin Creighton (Wheaton), Terry Foster – Hulbert (Aurora), Heather Miller (Naperville), Bradley Morrison (St. Charles), Kathleen Musselman (Woodridge), Mike Placzek (Lombard), & Barb Rieger (Elmhurst).

The production will be led by the following staff:

Stan Austin (Director), Erin McIntyre (Assistant Director), Jean Austin (Musical Director), Amy Johnson (Stage Manager/Props Master/Set Decorator), Elyse Wadzinski (Production Manager), Jim Van De Velde (Lighting Designer), RJ Ogren (Scenic Designer/Scenic Artist), Sean Wadzinski (Set Construction), Julie Kanturek (Pianist), Jon Warfel (Pianist), Charmaine Jones (Costume Designer), Sara Malloy (Choreographer), Ben Dooley (Sound Designer), & Peter Lemongelli (Sound Designer).

FORBIDDEN BROADWAY GREATEST HITS: VOL 1. is sure to delight audiences at Wheaton Drama, opening September 16th and running through October 9th. Shows will take place Thursdays-Saturdays at 8pm; Sundays at 3pm. All performances will take place at Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111, located at 111 N. Hale Street in downtown Wheaton. For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact 630-260-1820 or visit Please note: Season tickets are available for enjoying quality theater throughout the year with Wheaton Drama.

FORBIDDEN BROADWAY is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide, 570 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100, New York, NY 10018. (866) 378-9758

Advertising Opportunity

July 23rd, 2016

You can support Wheaton Drama while raising the visibility of your business by placing an ad in our 2016-2017 season show programs.  For more information, download the 2016-2017 Advertisement Form.

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