Ushers needed for Spamalot!

May 11th, 2015

You know you want to Ush-a-lot!  Register your intentions at signupgenius!  We appreciate you and all you do.  Thank you for your suoport!

2015 Summer Children’s Workshops

April 5th, 2015

Do you know a child who enjoys theatre and wants to learn more about performance or technical skills? Wheaton Drama workshops will help build confidence by giving the attendees first hand experience in creating a live production. Your child will learn how teamwork works in building a theatrical presentation…besides having fun and making new friends.

The place to be this summer is Wheaton Drama’s Playhouse 111
Registration now is available online

July 6 -July 10, 2015
Performance Theatre
Grades 1-5* morning session: 8:30 am -12:00 pm
Grades 1-5* afternoon session: 1 pm -4:30 pm
(Choose one session only)

July 8 -10, 2015
Technical Theatre
Grades 6-12*
July 8, 1 pm -4:30 pm
July 9 -10, 9 am -4:30 pm
(Bring a sack lunch)
Choose area in which you would like to study: Stage managing/back stage crew, Sound design, or Lighting Design

July 13 -July 17, 2015
Performance Theatre
Grades 6-12* full day session 9 am -4:30 pm
(Bring a sack lunch)

July 15 -July 17, 2015
Technical Theatre
Grades 6-12*
July 15, 1 pm -4:30 pm
July 16 -17, 9 am -4:30 pm
(Bring a sack lunch)
Choose area in which you would like to study: Stage managing/back stage crew, Sound design, or Lighting Design

*grade level just completed

Saturday Performance
Grade 1-5 morning class: July 11 -10:30 am
Grade 1-5 afternoon class: July 11 -2:00 pm
Grade 6-8, High School: July 18 -10:00 am

$100 for 1st -5th grades (half days)
$100 for Technical Theatre (per week)
$200 for 6th -12th grades (full days)

Contact Amy Brockman for more information at
or call 630.260.1820
and leave a message.

Wheaton Drama Scholarships

February 28th, 2015


I am pleased to provide an application for the Wheaton Drama, Inc. 2015 Scholarship.  Two $1,000 awards will be provided to graduating seniors from a Wheaton Drama area high school entering a post-secondary institution in the subsequent academic year.  Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the student’s account at the post-secondary institution to be used at the student’s discretion.  This student must have actively participated in theatre arts in school and/or the community.  Participation should include coursework and/or volunteer work.

Please distribute the application to all potential applicants and encourage them to apply. Applications are attached as both a Word document as well as a PDF.  All applications must be postmarked no later than May 15th, and mailed to:

Wheaton Drama, Inc.


111 North Hale Street

Wheaton, IL 60187

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at

Thank you for your support of the arts and our community’s students!

2015 WDIScholarshipApp (Word format)

2015 WDIScholarshipApp (PDF format)

Dance Classes

February 16th, 2015

Gotta sing? Gotta dance?
Gotta a little problem with the latter?
Or maybe you want to try something new? We’ve got the class for
you!! Join us for a four week exploratory dance class where we’ll try out for different styles of dancing!

Week One, February 23,
7.30 on the stage – Strength and Conditioning
The most basic necessity for being successful at any level of difficulty for dance is to have a strong core. Come take this class to build a strong core. Class will include basic stretches, floor exercises and tasks that all help to achieve strength in the muscles.

Two, March 2, 7.30 on the stage – Ballet
One of the oldest forms of dance is ballet. Class will include basic to moderate skills that not only improve your dance ability, but also contributes to a great posture and centering of the body. Barre exercises, across the floor and center adagios will be the main focus of this class.

Three, March 9, 7.30 on the stage – Jazz
Jazz is a fun, energetic and lively form of dance that is as fun to participate in as it is to watch. Come learn across the floor exercises and small combinations in this class! Up tempo music, style and vitality will be the biggest factors in this class that is sure to be a blast

Week Four, March 16, 7.30 location TBA –
Musical Theatre
Over the years, iconic pieces have been performed on
stages across the world. Come take a chance and learn how to incorporate dance ability with acting and singing with some of the most well-known music theater songs.

Class Fee: $40 WDI Members
$45 Non-Members
This is an adults only class.
Class size is limited to 20 students so  call our ticket line at 630.260.1820 to register.

Membership Survey

February 16th, 2015

The Wheaton Drama Board of Governors is creating a new long term strategic plan. We would like to get some feedback from the members for the board to use in their discussions. You can share your thoughts either by using the link below to complete these sentences through an anonymous online survey, or if you’re more comfortable, feel free to complete the sentences in an email to strategic plan facilitator Debbie Trueblood at . Either way, the items are below. If you have questions, please email Debbie.
Please email us or take the survey by Friday, Feb. 20 at 5:00 PM. The survey link is available here:
Complete these thoughts:
1. I am excited about__________
2. I am worried about______________
3. I want to make sure that we_______________
4. I hope that we________________
5. What else do you want us to know?

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